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Thank You for taking the time to read this. This is my family. I always joked for years, that I needed a dog named Aly an abbreviation for (I’ll !%&# You Up) for when Grace became a teenager – yeah take your dog with. I meet a retired Cobb County Police Officer, he had 2 solid black shepherds, AKC registered, that he breed. Perfect for the Aly I was looking for. This turned into a long story, some 2 years later, I became the owner of one of his pups.

My dear friend, also wanted one of the pups, sold out of the drama and purchased Lemmy from Schwartze Hund in Alamba, also known to breed for the Police. Lemmy is AKA registered also. We choose to let Aly have puppies with Lemmy. The process took 3 years and 4 heat cycles. A total of 7 puppies lived. Aly being a first time Mother did great, bit 2 umbilical cords to close-puppies didn’t make it and one still born after extremely long labor. All were given to loving homes after careful consideration, sold hundreds less then purchase price of Aly or Lemmy. Discernment of quality worthless on a monetary value. August 28th the birth marked the day the Blacks marched to Washington and Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream speech”. These dogs all came with AKC paperwork, never gave out paperwork, more important to represent the breed and quality.

Aly came off the new deck, on day one, chasing a rat and fractured her hip. I was not going to allow her to produce any puppies anymore. I told her and she gave me stink eye. Then the unthinkable happen and she became pregnant. The story gets worse, because it was with Licker – her son. I allowed them to eat together on the tall deck, rest a moment and then separated again. I remember the day, after they ate she was laying on her side(she would not be able to hold Licker) and Licker was sitting next to her. She had a look and I said “No way, impossible, I just walked by 5minutes ago!”. The experience with her pregnancy with Lemmy. Licker is a Stud. I was mortified!!!

The oops litter, Aly labored out on MLK day and the full Wolf Moon. Another very long labor for Aly. Last puppy out stillborn, 2 smothered. One puppy, I got her up to fast and she stepped on and broke back. Too much information, yes. Very important to understand none where disformed, odd sized or with other medical conditions (have pictures) related to inbreeding/linebred. Four girls and 2 boys all healthy equally sized. After a tremendous amount of research into breeders and breeding habits, I was appalled! This inbreeding is common play amongst breeders. Only the really talented breeders linebred to (better?) the breed. What a joke! That means everyone does it. Speaking with breeders privately, they confess the same story. The topper to my investigation, all these dogs come with AKC paperwork. Shame! The AKC and these forcible breeding habits for monetary value, what happened to true quality?

I hand raise these beautiful creatures indoor, with LOVE. Now that I have raised two litters from Aly, this second one is just as smart, strong and beautiful as the last. We Kissie only-no biting. No jumping. Raised with a Mother that loves them and nursed a few until 9weeks, unheard of. First shots given at 9weeks. Breeders start early because they want their money and get them out of the house. Puppies are not ready to be rehomed at 6-9weeks. They are not socialize, given to people whom should not have them – then off to the pound. I realize these are God’s creatures, I have been entrusted to do my best to raise these Guardian Shepherds. Who is the best breeder – God! The perfect owners always show. People will stop You on the street and ask “What kind of dog is that?’ and then with genuine praise “Wow!’. It happens to me all the time.

I have been warned not to tell the truth, just sell the dogs. That is not me, I have integrity and I am OK with myself. It’s hard to be black in the south, I come with more of a back story. These dogs look like Wolves and most are scared to death of You. A creature that comes protective, intelligent but very discerning. I value them and the hard work it goes into raising a fabulous gift of God, these dogs will not come available until they are 13weeks. Short hair $1, 700 and long $2,300. Discount to law enforcement. Please reach out for questions. Thank You for taking the time, I appreciate You!


Please read History in link above, breeding.
